"We’ve been patrons of the Museum for almost a decade. CML is always there, always open, and there is no judgment. It’s really one of the only affordable places for lower income, working class people to take their kids to. CML is the only museum in the area that encourages children to get involved, which is really helpful.
Your SuperStars! Program is really really important! William, my oldest son, is autistic and large crowds and sounds trigger him. It is nice to see him come out of his shell on those mornings. We get to learn and figure out more about him by watching him at the Museum. Especially in the Boeing BrightLab! He has never worked with circuitry boards or anything before and he literally just sat down and built a speaker out of Little Bits. That’s when he learned that he could do something if he wants to do something. The BrightLab has let him be a kid again. In today’s world, there is pressure to grow up so fast and when we are there, he is back to being that young boy excited to play with play dough again!”
Hands-On STEM Learning
moreAffordable Family Fun
moreFun, Safe Place to Play